
Prof. (Dr.) Kiran D. Patil
Dr. Kiran Patil is a seasoned academician, administrator, passionate researcher, and strategic planner with 29 years of experience in general administration, team building, research and development, and teaching in higher education sector. He is a passionate and committed multidisciplinary academic leader, with a focus on goals, and an implementer of progressive policies with a proven track record of holding administrative positions in the higher education sector. He is a well-organized, analytical, research-oriented academician and effective persuasive and negotiation skills. He has an extensive background in all aspects of employee assessment, training, and professional development. He is skilled at creating/managing highly productive team endeavors. Dr Patil has proven track record of successfully managing complex academic operations, overseeing faculty and staff, and ensuring the highest standards of educational quality; ready to apply these skills to drive further success for a university.
He has showcased excellent aptitude in planning & organizing day-to-day research activities and resolve procedural problems as appropriate to the timely completion of research objectives. He is recognized as a Peer Team Member for NAAC and NBA-AICTE Margadarshak for improving higher education quality and accreditation. Deep understanding of curriculum development, program management, and educational best practices; experienced in conceptualizing and implementing strategic plans to achieve academic objectives; well-versed in the NAAC and NBA accreditation processes and curriculum development aligned with NEP-2020 guidelines. He also serves on a number of academic and research committees at several HEIs, as well as guiding in the pursuit of high-quality education. A competent and high performing professional offering more than 29 years of rich cross-functional experience in all aspects of Teaching, Research, and administration in higher education sector. He is having ability to start new academic programs efficiently and effectively in university education. He is highly skilled in providing Academic, Administrative and Research oriented leadership to the University by inculcating team spirit and teamwork. Proven expertise in developing the curriculum of new academic programs with a focus to improve the employability of pass out graduates and postgraduates. Professor Kiran Patil has over 29 + years of professional experience as a teacher, researcher, and academic administrator.
Professor Kiran D. Patil graduated from Shivaji University, Kolhapur, with a B.E. (Chemical Engineering) degree with First class with Distinction, University Rank Holder (1994) and an M.E. (Chemical Engineering) degree with First class with Distinction (2000). Later, he earned a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pune in 2011. (Research center: CSIR, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune) Dr. Patil has successfully progressed through the ranks of academia by sheer perseverance and persistence. Dr. Kiran Patil is a seasoned Chemical Engineer by training and has wide-ranging research experience that span reactive separations, process modelling and simulation, and industry implementation experience, as well as administrative and organizational abilities. Currently working as I/C Provost (Vice Chancellor), Dean, School of Engineering and Professor of Chemical Engineering Plastindia International University, Vapi, Gujarat. (Since November 2023)
Professor Patil has made significant contributions to the fields of Separation Science and Engineering, Reaction Engineering, and Catalysis in Chemical Engineering in general and Separation Science and Engineering, Reaction Engineering, and Catalysis in particular. Modeling and Simulation of Complex Chemical Engineering Processes are among his expertise. Dr. Kiran Pail’s significant academic and scientific achievements span Chemical Engineering, Petroleum, Petrochemical Engineering, Mathematical Sciences, and Environmental Sciences. His contributions are bound by a common theme: experimental investigations, experimental design, modelling, and extensive use of commercial software in Chemical Engineering such as Aspen Plus®, UNISIM™, and MATLAB® etc. He has completed several consulting projects for a variety of Indian and international industrial companies. He has worked for a Pune-based company as a Consultant/Expert for an online Engineering Education portal. He has delivered numerous invited lectures at many academic institutions and has served as a visiting faculty member at many academic institutions. He has served as an examiner for several universities and as a resource person at seminars and conferences on a national and international level. He has also served as a member of an expert committee in the selection of various academic positions at various universities and autonomous institutes.
During his earlier tenure Professor Patil has successfully developed several research programs in the School of Chemical, Petroleum and Polymer Engineering, designed and implemented new courses and generated lot of funds through several funding agencies for the infrastructure development. He is active in the administration, including serving as members on various Institute/University committees, and to the development of the laboratory and curriculum and frequently interacting with Industry for possibility of employment of students and consultancy assignments, and to interdisciplinary collaborations. For professional research and training, he has visited several prestigious academic institutes, research, and industrial enterprises. He has completed nine important research projects with funding from the AICTE, DST, BCUD, the University of Pune, and several industries. He encouraged faculty members to take part in national research programs sponsored by several government funding agencies.
He has received the MIT Group of Institutions’ Ideal Teacher Award (2009), BSA and Dewang Mehta Business School’s national awards, Best Professor in Petroleum Engineering (2013), Best Professor in Polymer Engineering (2017), and Best Professor in Chemical Engineering (2018). He has recently awarded the national award, “Shiksha Bharati Award-2020” by the Indian Achiever’s Forum in New Delhi in recognition of his outstanding professional achievements and contributions to nation building (2020). He has also received Prof. Y.K. Bhushan, “Most Influential Professor”, National Award from World Education Congress, Mumbai (2022) He has been invited to work as an advisor on a panel for the selection of various scientific posts in several state and central government departments by the UPSC in New Delhi and the MPSC in Mumbai. Dr. Patil is also a Peer Team member of the NAAC Bangalore peer team. Dr. Patil has served on several university and autonomous institute academic bodies and committees. He has also served on the Governing Body of the MAEER Group of Institutions as a member (2012-2015). Dr. Kiran Patil has worked as a member of the Faculty of Engineering (FOE) and the Board of Studies (BOS) in Chemical/Petroleum/Petrochemical Engineering at the University of Pune, RGPV, Bhopal, SATI, Vidisha, MITS, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, and Member of the Research and Recognition Committee (RRC) at Shivaji University, Kolhapur. He has appointed as a member of the Advisory Board for Chemical Engineering and Technology at Shivaji University in Kolhapur. He has served on the Academic Council, the Board of Examination, and the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, as well as Chairman, the Board of Studies in the School of Chemical, Petroleum, and Polymer Engineering at Dr. Vishwanath Karad World Peace University, Pune (MIT-WPU, Pune), Member, the Research and Recognition Committee, and in various other capacities at MIT-WPU and other universities.
Dr. Kiran Patil is a University of Pune Ph.D. Guide in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. He has successfully supervised over 80+ B.E./B. Tech students through their undergraduate projects, as well as 20 Masters students through their dissertations. He is currently guiding the Ph.D. research of 05 Chemical Engineering Ph.D. research scholars. He has published over 55 research papers, edited two research volumes, and written two book chapters and four technical books on Chemical Engineering, which cover the syllabus of major Indian universities and are used as textbooks in some universities’ UG courses. These books are especially popular in SARC countries. Dr. Kiran Patil is a Fellow of Institute of Engineering (IEI), recognized as Chartered Engineer and Fellow of Indian Chemical Society. He is Senior Member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), USA, and a Life Member of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE), India, ISTE, New Delhi, India, the Institution of Engineers, India, the Catalysis Society of India (CSI), the Indian Membrane Society, India, the Indian Plastic Institute, India, and the Institutions of Engineering and Technology, UK. He has visited Singapore, Malaysia, UK, Scotland, and Dubai for academic, research and University collaborations.
Professor Patil believes that a teacher’s primary responsibility is to excite students’ interest and ensure that they are passionate about the subject matter, as well as to provide students with the skills, knowledge, and experience they need to broaden their personal horizons and be successful in their chosen careers. Dr. Patil has had an impact on younger minds, inspiring them to take on new challenges in research, teaching, industrial ventures, and academic administration.
- PhD (Chemical Engineering), University of Pune (2011)
- M.E. (Chemical Engineering), Shivaji University, Kolhapur (2000), University Rank Holder
- B.E. (Chemical Engineering), Shivaji University, Kolhapur (1994), University Rank Holder
- PG Diploma in Piping Design and Engineering, MIT, Pune (1997)
Dr. Kiran Patil is a seasoned academician, administrator, passionate researcher, and strategic planner with 29 years of experience in general administration, team building, research and development, and teaching in higher education sector. He is a passionate and committed multidisciplinary academic leader, with a focus on goals, and an implementer of progressive policies with a proven track record of holding administrative positions in the higher education sector.
a. Journal Publications (National and International): Last Five Years
- Varsha K. Patil, Kiran D. Patil, Shrikant Gaikwad, Satyajit Yadav, “QR Code-Based Pedagogy for Laboratory Resource Management in Indian Higher Education Institutes”, DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2023/v36i4/23117, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume 36, No. 4 , pp-76-85, 2023, ISSN 2349-2473 (Scopus Indexed, Q4)
- Ganesh S. Zade, Kiran. D. Patil, “A State-of-the-Art Review of Graphene-Based Corrosion Resistant Coatings for Metal Protection” DOI: ,Journal of Corrosion Science and Technology, Vol.21, No.5(2022), pp.390-411, 2022, (ESCI, Scopus Indexed, Q3)
- Suchita Itgekar, Hanmant Gurav, Kiran D. Patil, Sharad Lande and Rakshvir Jasra, “Reaction Kinetics and Modelling of Catalytic Complete Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds”, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Accepted for Publications, March 2024, (WoS Indexed, Q3)
- Amruta T. Mokashi, Kiran D. Patil, Shilpa Kodolikar, “Separation of pyruvic acid using reactive extraction from its aqueous solution by using TOA in different diluents” Journal of Separation Science and Technology, (Scopus Indexed, Q2), Under Review, March 2024
- Nikunj Shah, Kiran D. Patil, Shilpa Kodolikar, “Glass Filter Media with AOP Techniques for Removal of Microplastics from Domestic Wastewater”, Chemical Engineering World, 56(5):60-64 (Scopus Indexed)
- Varsha K. Patil, Kiran D. Patil, Traditional Indian Education Values and New National Education Policy Adopted by India. Journal of Education, 203(1), 242–245, 2021, DOI: , (Scopus Indexed, Q3)
- Amruta T. Mokashi, Kiran D. Patil, Shilpa Kodolikar “Recovery of Pyruvic Acid: A theoretical approach for selection of solvents for Reactive Extraction”, Doi: , Elsevier, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 51, Part 1, pp 66-73,2022. (Scopus Index)
- Niraj S. Topare, Kiran D. Patil, Satish V. Khedkar, Effects of operating parameters on biodiesel production from waste cooking oil under ultrasonic irradiation Doi: , , ELSEVIER Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 46, Part 20, pp 10638-10641, 2021(Scopus Indexed)
- Kiran D. Patil, Niraj S. Topare, Satish S. Khedkar, “Comparative study of ultrasonic and conventional method for biodiesel production using different heterogeneous catalyst, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5656663, ELSEVIER, Journal of Indian Chemical Society, Vol.97, No.11b, pp 1-7, 2020, (Scopus Indexed, Q3)
- Niraj S. Topare, Kiran D. Patil, Biodiesel from waste cooking soybean oil under ultrasonication as an alternative fuel for diesel engine, DOI: , , ELSEVIER Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 43, Part 1, PP 510-513,2021(Scopus indexed, Q4)
- Nikunj Shah, Kiran D. Patil, Shilpa Kodolikar, “Glass Filter Media with AOP Techniques for Removal of Microplastics from Domestic Wastewater”, , Chemical Engineering World, 56(5):60-64, 2021 (Scopus indexed, Q4)
- Niraj S. Topare, Kiran D. Patil, “Ultrasonic Reactor for effective Biodiesel Production”, Chemical Engineering World, pp 120-124, December 2020 (Scopus Indexed, Q4)
- Amruta Mokashi, Kiran D. Patil, “Review of Reactive Extraction Process for Recovery of Pyruvic Acid”, International Journal of Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics, ISSN: 2349-4786, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp 34-43, 2020 (UGC Care)
- Niraj S. Topare, Satish V. Khedkar, Kiran D. Patil, Nilesh Inamdar, “Design, Fabrication of Multi-Functional Reactor System and Its Application for Biodiesel Production” American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 2417, 030002 (2021); , (Scopus Indexed)
- Pratik Jagtap, Kiran D. Patil, Pankaj Dhatrak, “Polyelectrolyte Complex for Drug Delivery in Biomedical Applications: A Review”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1183 012007, DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/1183/1/012007, 2021, (Web of Science and Scopus Indexed)
- Niraj S. Topare, Satish V. Khedkar, Kiran D. Patil, Nilesh Inamdar, “Design Fabrication of Multifunctional Reactor System and Its Applications for Biodiesel Productions”, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 2417, 030002 (2021); , (Scopus Indexed)
- Topare, N.S., Kiran D. Patil, Khedkar, S.V., Inamdar, N. (2021). Lab Scale Batch Reactor Design, Fabrication, and Its Application for Biodiesel Production. In: Pawar, P.M., Balasubramaniam, R., Ronge, B.P., Salunkhe, S.B., Vibhute, A.S., Melinamath, B. (eds) Techno-Societal 2020. Springer, Cham. , pp 819-828 (Scopus Indexed)
- Kiran D. Patil, Niraj S. Topare, Satish S. Khedkar, “Synthesis of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil and Emission Characteristics of Its blends”, DOI:, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 983, 012015 (2020), pp 4-11, 2020, (Scopus Indexed)
- Niraj S. Topare, Kiran D. Patil, “Ultrasonication an effective route for Lab. scale for catalytic production of Biodiesel from waste fried vegetable oil”, Sustainable Waste Management Conference (SWMC)-2020, Organized by Institute for Sustainability (IFS), an American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) technological community, during September 15-17, 2020, and published in conference Proceeding, 2020, 29-30, (Scopus Indexed)
- Kiran D. Patil, Niraj S. Topare, Satish S. Khedkar, “Comparative study of ultrasonic and conventional method for biodiesel production using different heterogeneous catalyst, ELSEIVER, Journal of Indian Chemical Society, Vol.97, No.11b, December 2020, pp 1-7 (Scopus Indexed)
- Kiran D. Patil, Niraj S. Topare, Satish S. Khedkar, “Synthesis of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil and Emission Characteristics of Its blends”, DOI: , IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 983, 012015 (2020), pp 4-11, 2020, (Scopus Indexed)
- Niraj S. Topare, Kiran D. Patil, “Ultrasonic Reactor for effective Biodiesel Production”, Journal of Chemical Engineering World, pp 120-124, December 2020 (Scopus Indexed)
- Amruta Mokashi, Kiran D. Patil, “Review of Reactive Extraction Process for Recovery of Pyruvic Acid”, International Journal of Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics, ISSN: 2349-4786, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2019, pp 34-43.
- Vivek Barmecha, Gaurav Bhattacharjee, Kiran D. Patil, Rajnish Kumar, Sanjay P. Kamble, “Formation and Dissociation Kinetics in Simulated Hydrate Bearing Reservoir,” DOI: 10.2174/2212717805666180111161919 Current Environmental Engineering, ISSN 2212-7186, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp 78-85, 2018 (Scopus Indexed)
b. Books/ Book Chapters:
- Kiran D. Patil, Jhinuk De, Varsha K. Patil, Makarand Kulkarni, “Environmental Effects and Threats of Waste: Understanding Threats and Challenges to Ecosystem, Health, and Sustainability and Mitigation Strategies”, Book Chapter in Edited Book, “Waste to Wealth”, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, (Editors: Dr. Arya, Prof. G. D. Verros Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Accepted March 2024 (Scopus Indexed)
- Ganesh S. Zade, Kiran. D. Patil, “Advances in Corrosion Resistant Coatings: Types, Formulating Principles, Properties and Applications”, Book Chapter in Edited book on Functional Coatings: Innovations & Challenges”, DOI: , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., NJ, USA, (Editors: Dr. Arya NIT, Jalandhar, Prof. G. D. Verros Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and Prof. J. Paulo Davim University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, (Scopus Indexed)
- Harshani R. Ganvir, Satish V. Khedkar, Niraj S. Topare, Kiran D. Patil, “Biodiesel (Alternative Fuel) Production from Waste Cooking Oil using Different Techniques”, (Book Chapter), pp 88-100, in “Environment and Sustainable Development”, Editors: Dr Lalit Sharma and Dr. Vivek Chandra Asian Press Books, ISBN: 978-93-90238-67-5, 1st Edition, December 2020
- Kiran D. Patil, Principles of Mass Transfer Operations, Volume-I, Nirali Publishers, India, 9th Edition, 2020, ISBN: 978-81-906935-6-1
- Kiran D. Patil, Principles of Mass Transfer Operations, Volume, II, Nirali Publishers, India, 9th Edition, 2020, ISBN: 978-81-90693-57-8
- Kiran D. Patil, Mechanical Operations: Principles and Applications, Nirali Publishers, India 6th Edition, 2019, ISBN: 978-93-80064-00-0
- Kiran D. Patil, Niraj S. Topare, Ultrasound-Assisted Synthesis of Biodiesel from Different Feedstock, Lamberts Academic Publishers, Germany, 2020, ISBN: 1-978-620-2-56573-8-2
- Niraj S. Topare, Kiran D. Patil, Satish V. Khedkar, Heterogeneous Catalysis for Biodiesel Production Under Ultrasonication, Lamberts Academic Publishers, Germany,2021, ISBN: 978-620-2-81474-4
- A book on, Mass Transfer and Separation Processes, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, (Under preparations)
- Stood Fifth in Shivaji University, Kolhapur for B.E. (Chemical Engineering), (1994)
- Stood First in Shivaji University, Kolhapur for M.E. (Chemical Engineering), (2000)
- Ideal Teacher Award, MAEER’s, MIT Group of Institutions, Pune, India, (2009)
- Inclusion of Name in TWO TIMES MARQUIS WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD 28th Edition in 2011, 30th Edition in 2013 and 37th Edition in 2020, USA
- Man of the Year, American Biographical Institute (ABI), Inc., CALIFORNIA, (July 2011)
- Top 100 Engineers 2011, International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England, (June 2011)
- Recipient of “Shiksha Bharati Award-2020”, in recognition of outstanding professional achievements and contributions in nation building from Indian Achiever’s forum, New Delhi (2020).
- National awards from BSA and Dewang Mehta Business School, Mumbai for Best Professor in Petroleum Engineering (2013), Best Professor in Polymer Engineering (2017) and Best Professor in Chemical Engineering (2018)
- Prof. Y.K. Bhushan, “Most Influential Professor”, National Award from World Education Congress, Mumbai, World Education Congress, Mumbai, (2022)
- India Prime Icon National Award, India Prime Icon National Award, Issued by Foxclues, India Prime Icon Award, New Delhi (2022)
- Fellow and Chartered Engineer (C.Eng.) Institute of Engineers, (FIE) Kolkata, India (Since December 2021)
- Fellow, Indian Chemical Society, Kolkata (Since December 2021)
- Senior Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE) (Since September 2017)
- Life Member, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChE), Kolkata, (Since April 2003)
- Life Member, Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi, (Since March 2002)
- Life Member, Institution of Engineers, (IIE)Kolkata, (Since March 2005)
- Life Member, Indian Membrane Society, (IMS), Baroda, (Since January 2013)
- Life Member, Institutions of Engineering and Technology (IET), UK. (Since October 2019)
- Life Member, Catalysis Society of India (CSI), Mumbai (Since July 2021)
- Life Member, Indian Chemical Society, Kolkata, (Since December 2021)
Other Research Contributions in the domain of Chemical Engineering:
- Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Petroleum Engineering and Technology, (ISSN: 2231-1785), (Scopus Index) (August 2014 – Present)
- Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Water Pollution and Purification Research, (March 2014 – Present)
- Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemical Engineering, (ISSN: 2345-6787), Malaysia, (Scopus Index) (July 2014 – Present)
- Member of the Editorial Board, Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 2349-4786), (Dec. 2014 – Present)
- Reviewer, Elsevier, Material Today: Proceedings, (ISSN: 2214-7853), (Scopus Index) (January 2021- Present)
- Reviewer, Chemical Product and Process Modeling, (ISSN: 1934-2659), Germany, (Scopus Index) (Dec. 2020 –Present)
- Reviewer, International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, DOI: 10.7763/IJCEA, (ISSN: 2010-0221), Singapore, (Scopus Index) (June 2014 – Present)
- Reviewer, Chemical Product and Modeling, ISSN: 1934-2659, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston, Germany, ISSN 2548-0646, (Scopus Index) (October 2019- Present)
- Reviewer, Springer, Biomass Conversion and Refinery, (Web of Science) ISSN 2548-0646 (October 2020- Present)
- Reviewer, ES Energy and Environment, (Web of Science), Engineered Science Publisher, Knoxville, TN 37934 USA (May 2021- Present)
- Reviewer, NISCAIR, Indian Journal of Chemical and Technology, (Scopus Index), (ISSN: 0971-457X), (Dec.2013 – Present)
- M.Tech and PhD Examiner for various Universities (2012-Present)